Monday, February 23, 2009

mtv's spoiler peek courtesy of leaky



There were a few other writeups this week concerning the Harry/Ginny ship. The first one was the list, and the second was the defense!

The Book Examiner's 5 Most Annoying Literary Romances - And the 5 Most Romantic.

The Book Examiner - In Defense of Harry and Ginny

Finally, I was listening to last week's NPR Science Friday, and one of the interviews was with Neil Tyson, who is the director the Hayden Planetarium at Rose Center, which is part of the American Museum of Natural History in New York City (Yes! I was there! w00t!). He talked about his new book, The Pluto Files which is about Pluto and the issues around 'demoting' it to a dwarf planet. He was very amusing (he cameoed on Atlantis and apparently was bad at playing himself! LOL!) and the interview was interesting. You can listen to it right off the website. Check it out!

The Oscars were on tonight, and after getting hyped because there was going to be footage from HBP, I was disappointed that it was about 15 seconds right at the very end of the awards show. Meh.

Oh well. That's all from me for now. Cheers!

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